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vampire academy 6

I don’t even like going to zoos. The first time I went to one, I almost had a claustrophobic attack looking at those poor animals. I couldn’t imagine any creature
living that way. Sometimes I even felt a little bad for criminals, condemned to life in a cell. I’d certainly never expected to spend my life in one.
But lately, life seemed to be throwing me a lot of things I’d never expected, because here I was, locked away.
‘Hey!’ I yelled, gripping the steel bars that isolated me from the world. ‘How long am I going to be here? When’s my trial? You can’t keep me in this dungeon forever!’
Okay, it wasn’t exactly a dungeon, not in the dark, rusty-chain sense. I was inside a small cell with plain walls, a plain floor, and well . . . plain everything. Spotless. Sterile.
Cold. It was actually more depressing than any musty dungeon could have managed.
The bars in the doorway felt cool against my skin, hard and unyielding. Fluorescent
lighting made the metal gleam in a way that felt harsh and irritating to my eyes. I could see the shoulder of a man standing rigidly to the side of the cell’s entrance and knew
there were probably four more guardians in the hallway out of my sight. I also knew none of them were going to answer me back, but that hadn’t stopped me from constantly demanding answers from them for the last two days.

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